Books on Writing, Publishing, and Marketing - Your Books
"My muse made me do it."Famous last words.
However, this is the recurring theme - not just with my own writing - but with a continuing stream of authors, both great and small, who are able to simply and regularly trot out new works and/or revisions.
That's my conclusion after researching how writers write.
On this page I've collected up all the books I have written, edited, published, and generally made available for you and anyone you know who is remotely interested in writing up that story inside them (and finally shutting up that yapping, nagging muse.)
There are a few tools I have yet to float up from my research files, as well as old classics which need to be revived into these new-fangled ebook formats.
Here's the list of what I have on offer currently:
Just Publish! Ebook Creation for Indie Authors

And the premise for here is that you don't have to buy or pay for anything in order to get your story written, published, and selling online.
Learn the 3 Parts to eBook Publishing
1. How to write a book - painlessly, effortlessly, earning the satisfaction and pride you deserve.
2. How to publish your book - without the costs and delays recommended by the current "experts".
3. How to sell a book online - make your book discoverable and sell, not only on Amazon, but on iBookstore, B&N, Kobo, and everywhere else.
And all for no more than you already have at hand.
J'APE – Just Another Publicity Excuse
The Problem With Self Publishing on Amazon is You Need to Know the “Secret”
And that secret is: "You Need to Be A Celebrity To Succeed At Anything".
This parody is a sarcastic look at how you can be an "overnight" success - by making it impossible for anyone else to succeed as you set the bar astronomically high.
Learn the 3 Parts to *Real* eBook Publishing
1. How to write a book - real quick, shallow, ghost-written.
2. How to publish your book - hire someone to do it for cheap, like putting their name on the cover.
3. How to sell a book online - using your devoted, Kool-Aid-drinking fan-base to suck-up and give you fake 5-star reviews without having read the book.
Obviously, this is a work of satire and has nothing to do with the real world. And any resemblance to a currently successful bestseller is just a happy coincidence. (Right.)
free ebook - instant download:
Becoming the Fiction Storyteller of Your Dreams
Learn to write and tell stories that keep your readers begging for more.
This new version combines the classic works of Dorothea Brande (Becoming A Writer) with Marie Shedlock (The Art of the Story-Teller).
Together, they address the underlying issues all fiction writers have - how to routinely write stories which are riveting to the reader and keep them coming back for the next installment.
This new version combines the classic works of Dorothea Brande (Becoming A Writer) with Marie Shedlock (The Art of the Story-Teller).
Together, they address the underlying issues all fiction writers have - how to routinely write stories which are riveting to the reader and keep them coming back for the next installment.
Mystery Story Technique for Writers
Do you love mystery stories, such as the Sherlock Holmes stories and those of Edgar Allan Poe and Agatha Christie? Do you ever yearn to be a good writer of mysteries?
This is virtually a miniature course in creative writing of the mystery story.
Originally published in 1913, this was the first full-length book in English about mystery and detective fiction. Still valuable as an instruction manual after almost a century, its historical interest is as immense. Wells' wisdom and critical acumen brought to this volume has enabled millions of mystery writers world-wide to discover and dissect what makes a successful mystery story.
Carolyn Wells wrote a total of more than 170 books. Among the most famous of her mystery novels were the Fleming Stone Detective Stories
Book Resources and Extra's:
Free ebook Publisher site links:
Recommended Aggregators
Additional Distributors
Online Courses
(coming soon...)
"Becoming a Writer" by Dorothea Brande (included in "Becoming the Fiction Storyteller of Your Dreams")***
"On Writing" by Stephen King***
"Elements of Style" by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White**
"APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur" by Guy Kawasaki and Shawn Welch
"Building Your Book for Kindle" by Kindle Direct Publishing
"Lulu Content Creation Guide" by Lulu Press Inc.
"Smashwords Style Guide" by Mark Coker**
"An Open Office Guide to Publishing on Smashwords" by Gregory Scott
"Make a Killing on Kindle" by Michael Alvear *****
"Bestgorize Your Amazon KDP eBook" by Joe Oye**
“Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success” by Mark Coker*****
"Outliers: The Story of Success" by Malcom Gladwell**
"Duct Tape Marketing" by John Jantsch
"An Online Sunshine Plan" by Robert C. Worstell
Additional References:
Cover sizes article - Mark Coker, Smashwords
Key tip:
"Regardless of how they appear on the cover, title and subtitle must be correctly capitalized. The first letter of all words in the title and subtitle should be capitalized, except for the following words: a, an, and, for, from, of, or, the, to. The first and last word of the title and subtitle should always be capitalized."
"Character Entity References" (Amazon html code in descriptions.)
Improve Your English - Oxford Dictionaries
Share Buttons for inside your ebook...
Online Tools and Useful Sites:
How to use 4 free tools (LibreOffice, GIMP, Sigil, Calibre) to create your ebooks from a text document:
- LibreOffice (a version of Openoffice) - reads and can save as Word documents.
- a plug-in for this called "Writer2Epub" to make epubs directly
- Sigil – tweaks and checks your epubs
- Calibre – builds a library for your ebooks and holds metadata
- and GIMP to make covers.
And another Interview on this book, plus a couple of others:
Some of the many additional ebooks which were part of this research:
- Be the Monkey - Ebooks and Self-Publishing: A Dialog Between Authors Barry Eisler and Joe Konrath
- Successful eBook Publishing: The Complete How-to Guide for Creating and Launching Your Amazon Kindle eBook
- Crush It On The Kindle: The Definitive Guide to Publishing, Promoting, and Selling more eBooks on Amazon
- In-Book Promotion: Using the Kindle's Built-In Features to Increase Sales
- Genius: How to Be One, How to Live With It
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