Promoting your free Kindle Indie Book - for maximum sales...
Sure Amazon is trying to get everyone over the barrel. And people grouse about KDP Select controlling your ebook for 90 days - but there are ways to use their system to jumpstart your book income. But, as with all good things, there's some homework to do first...
- kdp-select
- Gotta love this guy's effort to promote his how-to book. Stutters, bedsheet and all...
- Kindle Free Ebooks - How to Get Your Ebook Downloaded Thousands of Times
- Key to using KDP select (and foregoing anyone else being able to sell your ebook for 90 days) is how to get the most bang for your author-time-buck. These first few sites are some line-ups about how to proceed:
How to Market a Kindle Book
12 authors | 22 revisions | Last updated: November 6, 2012 Rosen Trevithick, TheBev, Maluniu, Ruiner224, Gaurang, Teresa, Grahamster, Ada...Maximize Your KDP Select Free Days
"A good marketing plan is like a battle plan-design a flexible strategy, adapt, and pursue." author Ruth Francisco Authors, below is an e...What are the best sites to list a Kindle book in it's free promotion days?
Let me start with this shortlist:
Do you have kindle books that are free? Or are you in KDP Select and about to use your free days? Whatever the reason, if your book is (o...Free Amazon Kindle Book Submission Tool | Author Marketing Club
Main menu Is Your Book Going Free? Save Time & Submit It To The Top Free Sites On This Page No longer do you have to dig up your links to...How to Launch a Book - Leveraging Kindle KDP Select Promotions
Over the past few months much of my energy has gone into book publishing via the Kindle. The Amazon Kindle opportunity is exciting, real ...Writer's Fun Zone " Blog Archive " How KDP Select Will Make You An Amazon Bestseller
If you want to become an Amazon bestseller, going through Amazon's KDP Select program is a great way to do it. But it takes more than jus...- Intro to Self-Publishing " Author EMS
Welcome to our section on self-publishing. This is a broad topic with constantly evolving information. We'll be adding to this section re... - The next few sites are where you can submit your books, especially during their "free" period on KDP Select:
- Advertise your free Kindle book on IABR!
Got a Kindle promo coming up? Make IABR a part of your marketing strategy! Will your Kindle book be listed as free (value: $0.00) on Amaz... Writer's Fun Zone " Blog Archive " Where To Promote Your Free Kindle Book on Twitter
So you've taken the plunge and have decided to make your book free for the Kindle using the Kindle Select program. (See " How KDP Select ...Getting Started - What can I do on this site (and what can it do for me)? - FAQ and Basic Site Information
Getting Started - What can I do on this site (and what can it do for me)? - posted in FAQ and Basic Site Information: Welcome to IndieAut...- Rachelle's Window: Promo Sites
Subscribe to Indie Author Resources Facebook List Subscribe to my four Indie Author Sites and Facebook Pages: [send me a message on the F... Submit - Indie Author Rockstar
Indie (self-published) authors are welcome to submit their books to us, but please read everything on this page first. Start by reading H...Free Sites to Promote Your eBook - GalleyCat
Are you struggling to promote your self-published digital book? Thanks to the Kindle Boards, we discovered a long list of places where se...Websites that Promote Free Kindle Books - Absolute Write Water Cooler
Websites that Promote Free Kindle Books Book Promotion Ideas and Advice- For Authors
If you are an author and would like to have your book promoted (for free) on our site, please fill out the form below: your book must be ... - Kindleboards is a first stop for promotions...
KindleBoards promotions for free books
KindleBoards promotion opportunities for free books Promote your free book with KindleBoards What you get: Inclusion in our Free Kindle B...- Some reviews of KDP from across the Twitter-verse:
- @TerryTyler4 Neither have sold well. Given away tons of free with KDP Select. But few reviews. I wonder if editing is poor + that's why. :(
- The book Mind Games and Malice takes advantage of KDP Select to publicize products
- @LolasReviews I was silly and did KDP select. I won't again. Amazon should let you do a refund if you're w/in the first 7 days.
- Using KDP Select? Works best when loss leader leads to more books.
- 4 Top Tips To Help You Understand KDP via @BadRedheadMedia
- And some news from Facebook...
- Collin and I are going to ring in the holidays and the new year with some big changes. On Christmas Day, we'll be doing our last free ebook promo at Amazon before exiting KDP Select to branch out. Early in 2013, our books will also be available for Nook and other ereaders. I'm launching a new series of sorts featuring Jaime (The Unicorn's Daughter) and Darcy (Chasing the Wind) in romantic adventures. An Army of Angels will finally be published with a brand-new, very striking cover courtesy of Collin's brilliant graphics, and he'll be publishing ELE (finally!). I also have two romantic comedies in the works. We might even finally get our new websites up!
- The rest of my books have been paroled by the state of KDP Select and are now available on Nook and Kobo. First thing they wanted when they got out?? McDonald's.
- Finally, a pitch for anyone wanting to learn at the feet of classic fiction storytellers... (Yes, that's an epub. Paperback available in 2 sizes as well.)
Becoming the Fiction Storyteller of Your Dreams... by Robert C. Worstell (eBook) - Lulu
Buy Becoming the Fiction Storyteller of Your Dreams... by Robert C. Worstell (eBook) online at Lulu. Visit the Lulu Marketplace for produ...
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